Real Results
The improvements, benefits and advantages of the Lift Plus System are very much apparent in our actual applications.
- the ease and safety of the concentric completion,
- the infinite turn-down ratio,
- the simple operation,
- the robust and reliable design,
- the reduction in capital and operating cost,
- the reduction in GHG,
- the reduction in power consumption and cost
- the increase in emulsion production
All of which contribute to our SAGD operators ESG initiatives.
Wedge Well Application
- due to the low BHT conventional RRP system could not pump fluid to surface
- the Lift Plus System was easily able to produce the cool, viscous emulsion
- the infinite turn-down capability was important as the production volume swing from cold to warm emulsion was easily 60 times
- no other artificial lift system can do this
- target emulsion volume was achieved and easily surpassed
- the capital cost savings (as compared to large RRP system) and anticipated reduction in annual operating costs (less power, significantly lower PM and service rig costs and steam intervention avoidance) tally $300,000.00
Gas Lift Replacement
- Success for the Lift Plus System was defined as
- able to produce the same or more emulsion as previous Gas Lift
- with 40% less gas
- Actual results as compared to previous Gas Lift
- the Lift Plus System doubled emulsion production
- is using 55% less gas
- ROCE for this application is just a few months
- accelerated by increase in bitumen production
- also, from operating at 67% lower SOR and produced emulsion much easier to handle than Gas Lift

Other Applications
Other Lift Plus applications currently being considered:
- 100% integration in new SAGD pads
- replace problematic ESP installations
- late in life wells
- any future installation that would otherwise use RRP
- the Lift Plus System is simply superior
- existing problematic RRP installations
- integrate into existing Gas Lift pads
- increase bitumen production
- the Lift Plus System is simply superior
- lower SOR
- lower plant emulsion separation cost